S;G0 anime second ED teased, S;GE OP updated

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5pb./MAGES. executive director Chiyomaru Shikura has posted a tweet containing a preview for the second ending song in Steins;Gate 0’s anime adaptation. It can be viewed here.

While the preview contains no lyrics, Shikura’s tweet indicates that Asami Imai will provide the vocals for this ending song. Imai, well-known for voicing Kurisu Makise, has additionally sung for titles such as Ever17BlazBlue Central FictionPlastic Memories, and many more.

In addition to this preview, Shikura posted a tweet with the updated, final version of the Steins;Gate Elite opening song. It can be viewed here.

We now know the title of the song: Cosmic Looper. Its lyrics and composition were done by Chiyomaru Shikura, with arrangement by KushitaMine, and vocals by Kanako Itou.


In the updated video, the spelling of Faris’s name has been changed to be consistent with the game’s translation. As noted by this Reddit post, a few changes have been made to the opening’s music, and some visual imagery has been changed.

Scene from the initial version.
Scene from the final verison.

We here at Kiri Kiri Basara will keep you updated as more information arises regarding Steins;Gate Elite or the Steins;Gate 0 anime.

Special thanks to Reddit user UGamer81 for noting the differences between the initial and final Elite opening.

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