Kiri Kiri Basara’s fourth anniversary and giveaway

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Hello everyone! Today is a very special day—our birthday! Yes, today, we’re celebrating Kiri Kiri Basara’s 4th anniversary.

As always, we want to thank you all sincerely for your support over the years. Without you, our readers, we would not have made it this far—we would not have been able to accomplish what we have. Many thanks are also due to our Patreon community, who have ensured that we can provide an ad-free, high-quality experience to all Kiri Kiri Basara readers.

Just like last year, we’re going to celebrate this special occasion with a giveaway; this time around, we’ll be giving away one copy of Robotics;Notes Elite on Steam. To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is follow our official Twitter account and retweet the following tweet:

This giveaway will end on February 17, 2022 at 7 PM CET—we will announce and reach out to the winner on Twitter at this point.

Best of luck to you, Basasriters! Thanks again for sticking with us!

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